
Monday, June 18, 2012

Dive Bombing Birds, Flying Marshmallows and Tasty Treats

Good Morning Everyone,

After a fantastic weekend, it is a gloriously happy Monday.  Krumbs and I had so much fun this weekend.  We hung out with friends, investigated dive bombing birds, tried a new recipe and best of all, finally made marshmallow shooters~woo! hoo!

When our friends came over this weekend I had the brilliant idea of showing them the dive-bombing birds at the end of our driveway~not the best idea for the birds, but we saw something really cool.  We tiptoed to the edge of the driveway and slowly, slowly snuck to the edge of the bushes.  Stretching, stretching, stretching...we strained to find birds, babies, nests or eggs hidden in the sea of branches and green leaves.  We were about to give up, when we saw them!  Deep in the center of the bush, nestled in the crook of three branches and almost buried by leafy greens, was a nest.  Inside the nest were three, olive sized cream colored eggs

Faster than you can say, "Oh my gosh, there are eggs in this nest!", we were surrounded by flapping wings, screeching squawks and clenching claws.  Yep, the momma and daddy birds had found us~and they were NOT happy to have visitors.  You can bet we high-tailed it out of there, but not before we saw those amazing eggs.  I wonder when they'll hatch?

I kind of thought nothing could outdo the dive-bombing birds and eggs, but then Krumbs and I made marshmallow shooters!  I know, I know...I couldn't believe it either but our friend Katie brought over all the stuff we needed.  (Looks like Krumbs and I aren't the only ones who visited the cafe and read "Marshmallow Shooter" by Logan in the Tip Jar at the Cafe!)  We had a blast shooting mini-marshmallows for distance, height and even accuracy (we blew up paper bags, tied them, and then set them up in a row and MARSHMALLOW BLASTED them!).

Last but not least, after all the marshmallow shooting, bird-bombing, and nest searching...we were ready for a snack.  We checked out the newest Cafe article about Garrett Weber-Gale, an Olympic swimmer and food lover.  The article is called "Eating to Win" by Rochelle Groskreutz and it tells about Garret's intense training (5 HOURS A DAY!?!?!) and healthy eating habits, but it also gives a taste bud tempting recipe that satisfied our need for sweet and our need for healthy.  Check it out to find out more about Garrett, Olympic swimming and healthy eating.

Did you have an amazing weekend?  Have you found a fantastic taste tempting recipe?  Do you have a great hobby or book to tell us about?  Visit the Cafe and join Klub Krumbs so you can share all your great fun with us!

Check back soon!


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