
Thursday, September 19, 2013


The air is getting crisp and the leaves are starting to turn.  Guess what time of year it is?  You guessed it...fall is beginning to creep across the New England part of the United States...ahhhhh!

Fall means baseball and colored leaves; chipmunks and squirrels hiding nuts; the smell of campfires and fireplaces and, of course, fall means a return to regular horseback riding.  I LOVE riding.  I LOVE the choppy, crazy rocking horse feeling of cantering across the ring and the "heart in your throat, chest clutching" feeling of sailing over jumps.  I LOVE the sound of horse teeth crunching carrots and sloppy, wet horse "kisses." 

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE horses...but I don't want one of my own.  I have watched the owners and their horses at the barn each week.  I see how much time it takes to truly take care of a horse and well, I am just not that dedicated!  I have lots of stuff I need to, homework, sports, and now, horseback riding.  Nope, no horses for me!

I'm glad I learned about the work and time owning a horse takes.  My mom says it is a sign of "maturity"-hmmm, I'm not sure if she's right, but that's okay.  There is a story on the Café called "A Horse for Annie Mae" by Laura Wolfe that I love because the main character really is a lot like me.  It is about a girl who desperately wants a horse but can't have one.  Click here and read about it.

Happy Early Fall, Everyone!!



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