
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Good Morning….have you read “THE PEANUT BUTTER POET” by Catherine May Webb?  I’ve mentioned it before, but Krumbs and I found it again yesterday while we were looking around the Café and we decided we had to talk about it today.

As you know, we love peanut butter’s sweet and salty goodness and we know, as long as you aren’t allergic to it, it is actually quite good for you.    Peanut butter has vitamin E, magnesium to build bones, potassium for your muscles, and vitamin B6 to keep you healthy.

             Peanut butter is your body's powerhouse, but in Catherine May Webb's story, peanut butter saves the day!  Check out this fantastic story by clicking here.

Are you interested in making one of Krumbs and my favorite peanut butter snack?  The info is below:

It is a really greast snack, so give it a try!  You may want to be careful with the cinnamon--it can be pretty spicy so only use a little bit!
We'll see you later!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Hi Everybody!

Big News from Cookie and Krumbs…

            I am going to perform in a singing contest!  I know, I know—I’m a little nervous about the whole thing, but I’ve taken singing lessons for a LOOOONNNGGGG time (well, about a year) and I think it is time to perform!

            The contest is being held by the owners of a coffee shop in my town and I am really excited!  The sign-up sheet said there would be prizes, but I am thinking more about just performing in front of a crowd.  Cool, right?

            Krumbs and I started thinking about what it would take to be a singer, (aside from taking singing lessons, which I am already doing) so we checked out the Imagination Café’s “Job-a-Palooza section”.  This part of the Café has a whole list of careers and the articles tell you what you have to do to become a member of each career, how much money you can make and lots of other interesting info.

            I read Karen Leet’s article about singers and I am pretty psyched.  I learned about a professional singer named Mary LaFleur who sings songs for kids.  Her album, “Pink Elephants” won a “Parent’s Choice Gold Award” and Mary travels around performing for schools and libraries.  You can even listen to one of her songs when you read the article!

            I’m not sure if I want to sing children’s songs.  To be honest, I didn’t even think about it until I read about Mary LaFleur, but I think it would be awesome to do something like that.  Maybe I could sing for adults and children…who knows?  The possibilities are endless!

Check out the article on singers by clicking here or visit “Job-a-Palooza” by clickinghere.  I am going to practice my song and Krumbs is going to listen.  Wish me luck!!!
-Cookie and Krumbs

Friday, March 15, 2013


The tests are almost over...the tests are almost over....the tests are almost over...and things will get back to normal-Hurray!!! 

The tests really aren't so bad, but the change in routine stinks.  There is such a build-up...get ready, eat super healthy, get enough sleep, do your absolute best.  UGH!  Aren't these things we're supposed to do every day?  I don't know about you...but we're done with the tests and I couldn't be happier!

Krumbs and I are going to have a great weekend.  We plan to have a few friends over, hang out outside and start warming up for the season.  You know which season I'm talking about, right?  Softball and baseball are coming soon to a field near you...and I couldn't be happier!!!

It has been a long, hard winter, but we can see the worst is over.  Now it is all about the roar of the crowd, the smack of ball against bat, the long slides into home...the streaks of dirt on my face and the dust on my pants.  Now it is all about the start of my favorite season.  WAHOO!!! 

What is your favorite season?  What sport makes you feel alive? If you're a baseball or softball fan like me, check out the Cafe article called, "Spitting on the Field" by Susie Yakowicz.  Let us know what you think about this fun article...and then get out and PLAY BALL!

Monday, March 11, 2013


What are you thinking about today?

We’re thinking about standardized tests…and we’re feeling a little woozy.  Does everyone in your school take big tests in reading, writing and math each year?  Everyone in our school takes “THE BIG ONES” every year at this time and it makes my tummy tumble.

Krumbs says I have “test anxiety” –those are just two fancy words that mean I stress over tests, especially big ones.   Krumbs reminded me that I’ve dealt with this before and I’ll deal with it again.  I can’t even move to avoid testing because I think every state in the United States tests kids…so I certainly can’t get away from it.  (Not that my parents would offer moving as an option anyway, and I’d miss my friends, my house and my school.)

Do you feel test stress, like I do, when you have big tests?  What’s a girl (or guy) to do about “test trauma”?

Krumbs, of course, directed me to the Imagination Café to see if we could find some good tips.  Of course, we did!  I quickly remembered (from last year!) the power of a good breakfast.  I brushed up on this healthy habit by reading “Brain Booster Breakfasts” (peanut butter and banana on whole wheat toast with a glass of milk works for me).  Krumbs also reminded me about the power of getting enough sleep and sticking to a regular schedule as much as possible. 

If you’re interested in talking about your test stress or anything else, check out Klub Krumbs by clicking here.  Klub Krumbs is where we go to hang out, talk with our friends and relieve test stress--Join US!

Have a great day and visit us again soon!

Cookie and Krumbs

Monday, March 4, 2013


Cookie and Krumbs Question of the Day:

Which member of the animal kingdom is rubbery and soft, with only one single hard body part?

This awesome and amazing animal has teeth on its tongue, fantastic vision and one incredible way of escaping enemies.  Do you have any idea which exceptional animal Krumbs has found this time???  

 I won’t give away any more clues, but you can certainly check out the article by author, Amanda Green at the Imagination Café.   You can click here to find the article or clickhere to visit the “Doggy Bag” section of Imagination Café to find all kinds of interesting animals. 

Krumbs discovered our newest animal when I bought a new art kit.  The kit has all the supplies you need to make “stained glass” window hangings.  The “stained glass” is really plastic that you paint with special paints, but I loved it!  I made a “stained glass” hanging for every window in the kitchen…and I was able to hang them with special hooks attached to suction cups.  The suctions cups held the hangings right up on the window without causing any damage—so cool!

Hmm…Krumbs says I just gave out another clue, but I’m guessing you had already followed the link by the time you read that last, hidden clue!

Have a great week, everyone!  Don’t forget to visit the Café to find out the answer to “Krumbs Question of the Day”!