I think Imagination Café author,
Krista Noble knows Krumbs! We were reading Ms. Noble’s article called, “The Knowing Nose:
How Canine Sniffers Help Humans” and do know what she wrote in the
opening paragraph?
“How does your dog spend his days? Chasing squirrels? Learning tricks? Snoozing on the couch and begging for treats?”
That is a woman who knows my dog! I couldn’t believe it…and neither could
Krumbs. He bounced around like a crazy
dog, spinning in circles and jumping three
feet off the ground! He
was thrilled to think an author really knew him and, let’s face it, Krumbs is a
squirrel chaser, a trick learner, a couch
snoozer and a treat beggar.
is my hero…but he’s not a hero to the
rest of the world. The dogs in Krista
Nobles article are real heroes. The article
tells about dogs who risk their lives helping
people. These dogs don’t chase squirrels
or nap all day because they have real jobs that involve DANGER! They
sniff out bombs, search for hurt and lost people, hunt for illegal drugs and even help doctors diagnose
Click the article title below to check out SUPER HERO DOG JOBS:
Remember to check back with us next week for more fun with Cookie
and Krumbs!