
Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Happy Hanukkah, Everyone!!!

Krumbs and I have been away for a few days…and we haven’t exactly been very good about communicating, have we?  Well, here’s our excuse—it’s


We’ve been visiting family and celebratingthe festival of lights”.  Every night we light candles on our menorah, open presents and eat yummy potato latkes and matzoh ball soup-mmm, mmm, mmm.  The best part of all is that we spend the whole time celebrating with our family—people and pets!

That means Krumbs, and our African Water Frogs (Yankee and Frogilina) travel all the way to New Jersey to celebrate with our cousins, grandparents and friends—Yahoo!  (Try to imagine a three hour drive in a small car with two adults, one child, a dog and two frogs in two tanks filled with waterit is sloshing good fun!)

So….what holidays do you celebrate?  Do you have any crazy family traditions?  The “sloshing good fun” in the car with two frogs and a dog is one of our crazier traditions.  The family “get-together” with cousins and really good food is one of our nicer traditions.  Share your family holiday traditions at the Café by joining Klub Krumbs. Just click here to join.

While you visit the Café, remember to vote in today’s MY OPINIONpoll.  Today we’re asking, “Who deserves the most dough?”  So, what do you think?  Does the president deserve millions?  How about firefighters?  Or maybe, your mom deserves the dough.  Click here to vote and make your opinion count!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hey everyone…I cannot believe how much things are hopping over at the Imagination Café.   When was your last visit?  Over the past few weeks, the editors have added a bunch of new articles, interviews and surveys.   Krumbs and I found 3 new amazing animal stories on the “Doggy Bag” section, 2 new science and sports articles in the “Weekly Specials” section and 2 super cool interviews on the “Book-tastic” page. 

The newest opinion poll is pretty cool too.  It asks a question that I can’t stop hearing everywhere I go—

Are We Going Over the Fiscal Cliff?

So, what do you know about the fiscal cliff?  Are we going over it?  Krumbs wants to know if he can jump off it, but I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.  I think I’m going to do just a little bit of research before I vote.  How about you?  Have you voted yet?  Click here to let us know what you know about the government’s “fiscal cliff”.

Sorry, we’ve got to go play at the Imagination Café!  (Maybe we’ll “see” you there!)  Check back soon for more from me (Cookie) and my super-duper dog (Krumbs)!